This checklist will help you through the process of a police investigation.
You spoke with an ISVA or support organistation to advocate for your needs.
The police collect as much physical evidence as they can.
If your assault was reported by a third party, the police interview them.
Any third parties who may have information relevant to the case are interviewed.
The police call you back for further interviews to review information.
If you decide to withdraw your case, you are informed of your rights and how it may affect your case.
The police request your help in identifying your abuser(s)
Once identified, the police interview your abuser(s).
Your abuser(s) is arrested.
You will be informed of the bail conditions if the bail is granted and the release date of your abuser(s).
If you are fearful of your safety, the police will work towards protecting you.
If you requested a new dedicated officer because you felt something was being mishandled, a new one is assigned to you.
The police send the case file to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for Early Investigative Advice so a specialist lawyer provides tips and suggestions for the police to gather more evidence to make it a stronger case to fight in the court.
The police explain their decision to charge or not to charge the abuser(s). Your concerns are answered.
You speak with your STO or dedicated officer if you believe that the investigation was not thorough. If the STO does not resolve the matter, you can request a review of Police decisions through the Independent Police Complaints Commission. The police inform of the procedure by which you can complain and your rights under this.
If you are unhappy with the way your complaint was handled, you can submit an appeal to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for the specific police organisation that handled it.
If you filed an appeal, you recieve a detailed piece of writing from Independent Police Complaints Commission with their "evidence-based rationale".