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Part of: Exercises for wellbeing

Exercise 2: Naming our feelings

This exercise is all about naming the complex feelings we may be experiencing as we go through potentially traumatic events. We hope this exercise will help us identify our emotions and then figure out what we need to do as we experience them.

To start off, sit comfortably in a quiet place, somewhere it’s easy to concentrate and consider each of the five basic emotions:

  • Happy

  • Angry

  • Sad

  • Ashamed

  • Afraid

We should start with whatever feeling we want to start with. Think about each feeling - do we feel it? If we do, where is it in our body? We then place a hand on each spot we feel the emotion and take a few moments to fully experience it. If we don’t feel this emotion, why is that so?

Work through each of the feelings by asking these questions. We can write down the answers if that helps, and if we feel overwhelmed at any point, we can stop and come back to this exercise whenever we’re ready to try again. The most important part of this exercise is naming these feelings, not listening to our inner critic about why we feel them. If we start to hear negative statements in our mind, such as “I made a mistake”, “I’m a bad person”, or “I’m selfish”, disregard these thoughts.

Once comfortable with this exercise, take a moment to explore each feeling and ask questions. Everyone’s situation may be different, but to help, we could ask questions such as:

  • “What am I angry about? Who am I angry at? Why?”

  • “What thoughts are making me upset?

  • “What is the hardest part of this experience?”

  • “Who is supporting me?”

  • “What blessings are in my life now?”

  • “What can I now achieve?”

  • “Am I worried I’m a bad person? Why?”

  • “Do I feel like I did something shameful? Why? Who says it is shameful?”

  • “Is the sexual experience that led to getting pregnant making me feel ashamed?”

  • “What am I afraid of?”

We may be looking at the basic emotions listed and thinking “these don’t relate to me”. That’s okay! We are complex individuals with unique experiences and complicated feelings. We may not know what we’re feeling so we’ve listed some other emotions also:

  • Confused

  • Confident

  • Overwhelmed

  • Validated

  • Regretful

  • Relieved

  • Numb

  • Comfortable

  • Guilty

  • Content

  • Anxious

  • Strong

  • Trapped

  • Relaxed

  • Selfish

  • Peaceful

  • Ashamed

  • Free

  • Grieving

  • Proud

  • Alone

  • Excited

  • Disappointed

  • Alive

  • Worried

Again, this is not an exhaustive list, and we may still feel emotions other than what is listed. Take the time to explore those emotions, note them down, and ask the same questions as earlier. Sometimes, exploring these feelings can be difficult and bring up deeper things for us to look at. If this happens, take some slow, deep breaths, take a break, and come back to this when ready. We should take the time to reflect on what we have discovered, and think about what we can do now that we know.

Through this exercise, we hope to identify our feelings more clearly and to think about what we need.